Privacy Policy

In compliance with the provisions of Regulation (EU) 2016/679, of the European Parliament and of the Council, of April 27, 2016, relating to the protection of natural persons in respect of regarding the processing of personal data and the free circulation of these data and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (hereinafter, the "GDPR") this Policy Privacy Policy describes how information is collected, used, shared and protected. personnel related to the services of the Platforms by RED SOCIAL LIDERALIA (hereinafter "RSL") as well as the treatment carried out on it. Therefore, you should read Please carefully read this Privacy Policy before providing the aforementioned personal information.

Contact information for the Data Controller

The information that the Users of the Platforms provide will be processed by RED SOCIAL LIDERALIA SL, who will be responsible for their processing. For these purposes, RSL's contact information is as follows:
Contact Address: Ctra. Antiga d'Amer, 10-12 2º A1 17007 Girona (Spain)
Contact email: [email protected]

Information collected

The information collected by RSL, provided by users of the platforms, is specified in information of a general and personal nature

From now on, Personal Data and Data of deceased persons may be jointly referred – for the purposes of the provisions of this Privacy Policy Privacy - all of them as "Data".

Mandatory or optional nature of the information provided by the User and veracity of the information.

Fields marked with an asterisk (*) in the respective registration forms to completed by the user of the Platforms for the creation of the user profile – depending on their status as administrator user, guest user or visitor user - they are strictly necessary to respond to the request, the inclusion of data being voluntary in the remaining fields.

The user of the Platforms guarantees that his personal data provided to RSL, as well as such as - in the case of administrative users - the data of third parties referring to the deceased person entered in the registration form or of users invited to the that is intended to provide access to the Commemorative Website "in memoriam" are truthful. Likewise, the user of the platforms is responsible for communicating any modification of the data, so you will be responsible for the responsibilities, actions and any compensation derived from the inaccuracy or falsehood of the themselves and the damages that may be caused by this to RSL or third parties, exonerating expressly to RSL of any responsibility required of it as consequence of the lack of veracity or accuracy of the information provided.

Purposes and use of the processing of personal information collected.

All data collected by RSL will be used exclusively for the purpose of manage and allow access to your user profile and the services offered on the Platforms (service management includes communications for the account verification, communication of changes and updates to the service, technical notices, safety notices, among others). Likewise, RSL may use the data collected to contact users, through platform messaging Whatsapp, SMS, push notifications or email, in order to offer news and information related to the Platform, communications from other members or users of the Platforms and/or ask for opinions on them.

In addition, if you authorize us, with respect to the cookies that we install to adapt the Platforms to their needs, RSL may use the data to help the user of the Platforms to access your information after logging in, remember the information, provide personalized content, improve, test and monitor the service effectiveness, develop and test new products and features, diagnose or solve technological problems, automatically update the application in the mobile devices. In relation to the information or content published by the user of the Platforms in them, they may add technical data that is associated with the published content, such as a geotag, comments or other information. Users of the Platforms can consult all the information at regarding this processing of your data in our Cookies Policy.

The user of the Platforms may enable access to them, to their agenda and to your contacts, information that will be used by RSL, for the provision of the communication services between users, so that the user can invite third parties to form part of the Platforms, a fact that is accepted and known by the user of the Platforms. Platforms, being able to enable this option when considered appropriate. Decisions will not be made based solely on the automated processing of the personal information provided to RSL.

Legal basis for the processing of personal information

Consequently, with the provisions of the previous section, the legal basis of the treatment of your personal data is the provision of the service offered by the Platforms and, in regarding cookies, your consent. In relation to third party data, the legal basis for processing is consent. provided by third parties themselves (relatives, dependents, acquaintances, etc.) for the purposes detailed in the previous section.

Recipients of personal information

By express legal obligation, RSL, if required, will cooperate with the authorities and, in response to said requests, may disclose the data to the competent authorities, in response to judicial proceedings, investigations judicial, police, for the alleged commission of acts constituting a crime or misdemeanors, or also to prevent violations of current law and regulations

Without prejudice to the above, the data may be used for companies to which RSL has entrusted internal management services of the company such as For example, management, control, maintenance, computer hosting and web hosting.

RSL may provide certain data provided by users acting in the role of owner or administrator, only to the funeral company that created or activated the "in memoriam" website. Said data may consist of data referring to the number of people who have confirmed, through the Platforms, their attendance at the events that are will be carried out for the deceased person, without identifying his or her identity, and the results of the questionnaire carried out to the user of the Platforms regarding the events held and to the quality of the service offered by the company or funeral home.

Storage and retention period of personal information

The data collected through the Platforms will be stored and processed in the Spanish territory, or in any other country in which RSL, its affiliates or suppliers of services have facilities. Under no circumstances will the data be processed outside the European economic area.

The data will be processed only for the time in which it is necessary, useful and relevant. Once the relationship with the user of the Platforms has ended, the data is will be kept for the time necessary to comply with the legal obligations that are applicable.

Sharing of personal information

RSL may assign, sell or share said user data with companies that legally form part of the same group of companies in which RSL is a part, or become part of the group

RSL will provide your data to the funeral company (or other type) with which it collaborates, and which owns the creation of the in memoriam website. This will only happen if during registration, the user gives express consent: “I agree to receive commercial communications on my phone number from the funeral company (or other type)”. Additionally, this acceptance will always be accompanied by a link to the privacy policy of the funeral company (or other type) being authorized, where the user can find information about the ownership of the company, or companies, that form the funeral group (or other type) to which this express consent is being given.

The Insurance Company, company or Funeral Group, will only transmit the essential information for the proposal of a price, premium for a policy or any product related to the funeral sector. The expression INSURER is refers to that or those insurance distribution entities that collaborate with RSL, regarding which information about products or services is requested, a insurance quote, a questionnaire of any type is completed (e.g. death policy questionnaire), insurance is contracted or any other action of providing personal data through RSL. In such case, the The insurer will process personal data for the indicated purposes (information, budgets, etc.).

The expression FUNERAL HOME or FUNERAL GROUP refers to that or those entities that offer funeral services or products that collaborate with RSL, regarding which information about products or services is requested, a pre-need budget, a questionnaire of any type is completed, hire a pre-need or carry out any action to provide data personal through RSL. In such case, the Funeral Home or Funeral Group will process the personal data for the indicated purposes (information, budgets, etc.). Likewise, RSL will process the data to:

If you do not wish to receive commercial information under these terms, please let us know in this link indicating your telephone number, which has not been received since receiving these communications.

Your data may be communicated to the corresponding entities in the sector insurer or funeral sector, in order for your request to be processed, managed and resolved correctly.

RSL may share information, such as information from tools such as cookies, files and device identifiers and location data, with providers of registration service, which will only have access to the data necessary to provide the service in good conditions, maintaining in all cases the confidentiality of the data of the users of the Platforms through the application of techniques of pseudonymization and encryption of users' personal data.

RSL may share certain information, such as cookie data, with collaborators of third party advertising. For the purposes stated and to preserve the confidentiality and privacy of user data, in these cases, RSL will apply the measures appropriate technical and organizational measures, including, but not limited to, pseudonymization and encryption of personal data. The user of the Platforms may control the data, information and content that you publish in them, through the configuration of privacy you set, public, private or moderate, and depending on the settings privacy that you establish, other users of the Platforms may or may not do and see said content.

Source of the Data

A part of the data of the Platform user, who acts as administrator of the Platform corresponding Commemorative Web "in memoriam", may come from companies distributors (funeral homes, death insurance companies, etc.), through which the The aforementioned Administrator user has contracted the services of RSL. In relation to distribution companies, RSL is not responsible for the lack of veracity or accuracy of the data provided by them, as well as not responsible for compliance or non-compliance with regulations regarding data protection by them. Users of the Platforms expressly exonerate from any responsibility that is intended to be attributed to RSL due to the collection of data by the distributors of the services of RSL.


RSL informs the users of the Platforms that it has adopted the technical and organizational measures, which guarantee the security of data and prevent its alteration, loss, treatment or unauthorized access, taking into account the state of the technology, nature of the data stored and the risks involved exposed, all in accordance with current regulations on protection of personal data.

Rights of Platform Users in relation to their Data

The user of the Platforms may access their personal data, rectify them if they are data is erroneous, through the privacy settings provided in the themselves. To unsubscribe from the services of the Platforms you must access the personal data section, there you have the option to delete my user account. A Once said request is received, your user account will be cancelled. confirming your request, your user account will be deleted from all Platforms. Once the account has been canceled, the data will be kept as only for legal purposes and for the time necessary to comply with obligations laws that are applicable.

Without prejudice to the foregoing, the user of the Platforms may exercise, under the terms established by current legislation, your rights of access, rectification or deletion of data, as well as request that the processing of your personal data be limited, oppose it, or request the portability of your data by sending a communication postal to the RSL address indicated above or electronic to [email protected]. Likewise, third parties will also have the right to revoke the consent that constitutes the legal basis for the processing of your data

In any case, the user of the Platforms has the right to present a claim before the Spanish Data Protection Agency in relation to the data processing carried out by RSL.

Modification of the Privacy Policy

RSL reserves the right to modify, with prior notice, the content of this Privacy Policy to adapt it to future legislative developments or jurisprudence, therefore, it is recommended to periodically review it. Can access, print, download and save the Privacy Policy at all times, the which will be permanently accessible on the Platforms.

In the event that substantial modifications are made that could affect the personal information of users of the Platforms, such changes will be notified as soon as possible, for the modification or cancellation of the registration as a user of the Platforms, in the event that it is considered necessary.